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Passion about mother nature

Hello! Today I have been really busy with studying for my exam, it is about natural hazards and vulnerability. The exam is on basic principles about hazards, earthprocesses, vulcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamies, floods, mass wasting, subsidence and soil, severe weather, hurricanes and cyclones, costal hazards, wildfires and impacts and extinctions. Did a 96 pages summary on the 700 pages that the exam is on, from there 46 pages and now I am down at 32 pages. It is really an exciting topic (natural disasters) and there is so much to learn about how human activity affect the phenomenon, how the phenomenon affects us, what effects and consequences there are from our actions and from the disasters, how we can mitigate the effects and so on. I am so fascinated by Mother Nature! I am so excited to go to the US this summer, to travel and to see some beautiful landscapes and Yellow Stone. I hope I can get to work with something like this in the future. I am looking forward to my candidate! Just one year to go, and alot of adventures left! Got to keep myself motivated. A picture of beautiful Sweden from my fieldtrip last year: Abisko National Park, Polar circle, August 2015

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Kristina Geijer
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